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ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. It’s characterized by hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity that last a long time and interfere with daily functioning. Some people with ADHD have problems with discipline, concentration, planning ahead, and regulating their emotions and actions. Although it is typically diagnosed in childhood, symptoms can continue into adulthood and have far-reaching consequences.

Causes of ADHD

It is unclear how big of an effect any one of the many possible causes of ADHD actually has. Possible causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include:

  • Low weight at birth.
  • Brain injuries at a younger age.
  • Prenatal and early-life exposure to toxins.
  • Premature birth.
  • Prenatal exposure to a mother’s substance use (tobacco, alcohol, or drugs).


Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by the compulsive use of substances (e.g., drugs or alcohol) or engagement in behaviors (e.g., gambling or internet use) despite adverse consequences. Tolerance to the substance or activity, withdrawal symptoms while abstaining, and a powerful desire to keep using are hallmarks of addiction. The impact on one’s health (physical, emotional, and social) can be disastrous.

The Connection Between ADHD and Addiction.

There are several facets to the complex interaction between ADHD and addiction.

  • Instinctive Risk-Taking and Impulsivity. People with ADHD may have problems controlling their impulses and may act recklessly. Because of their lack of self-control, they may be more likely to try drugs or alcohol, which can lead to dependency.
  • Self-Medication. Substance abuse is a possible coping mechanism for some people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They may turn to substances like alcohol or drugs to cope with the stresses of ADHD, such as irritability, anxiety, and inability to concentrate.
  • Brain Chemistry and Genetics. Both ADHD and addiction have been linked to genetic factors. Both disorders may be influenced by differences in genes that code for neurotransmitters like dopamine. Some people’s genetic makeup can predispose them to developing ADHD as well as addiction.
  • Increased Vulnerability. Having ADHD can increase an individual’s vulnerability to developing an addiction. Having trouble maintaining focus and managing impulses can make it more difficult to say no to tempting substances or activities.
  • Dual Diagnosis. Dual diagnosis, in which a person is diagnosed with both ADHD and addiction, is not rare. This makes treatment more difficult, as focusing on one issue at the expense of the other typically leads to treatment resistance or relapse.

ADHD and Addiction Treatment

When someone has a “dual diagnosis,” or both substance abuse and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, they might choose from a variety of treatment options. Medical professionals should always be present during treatment.

  • Medical Detox

Detox, in which the drug is gradually eliminated from the body, should only be attempted under medical supervision. The specifics of drug or alcohol detox depend on the nature of the addiction. In order to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, some doctors would gradually reduce their patients’ drug dosage.

  • Therapies

Individuals struggling with ADHD can benefit greatly from learning new coping strategies, and cognitive behavior therapy is a frequent method for doing so. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to assist patients in making positive lifestyle changes.

  • ADHD Medications

Finally, it is usual practice to prescribe ADHD medication to people who have been diagnosed with both ADHD and substance abuse. Prescribed stimulants in the recommended dosage have no effect on the likelihood of future drug use, and there is evidence suggesting they have no effect either way.

Taylor Recovery Center Offers One of The Most Effective Dual-Diagnosis Treatment for ADHD and Addiction in a Luxurious Setting.

Don’t struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and addiction alone. If you or someone you love needs the kind of individualized care and support found at Houston’s Taylor Recovery Center, please get in touch with our online experts right away. Start moving in the direction of a better, healthier tomorrow. Get in touch with us immediately.

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